I always hear some kind of jollification when the weather becomes heat and someone gets swelter. He/she will say ‘Oh, my God, the world become too heat, this is because global warming!’ I’m thinking, does she/he know what global warming is? May be he/she doesn’t.
Two years ago I believed that there was a global warming causing heat condition to our Earth but it happened before I red some documents and knew what actually global warming is. Now I’m here, standing in front of you, to tell the truth what global warming is? And why we don’t have to be frightened by it! Louis Armstrong has said that there are some people that if they don’t know, you can’t tell ‘em. But I don’t think so, this is a hoax, this is a fraud, the truth must be revealed to all people around the world.
Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) definition, global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C during the last century. The IPCC concludes that anthropogenic greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the twentieth century.
This definition makes no sense because if the temperature increase, the Arctic sea ice will be shrinking but the observed variability of Arctic sea ice thickness shows that the ice sea mass can change by up to 16% within one year. This is contrast with the concept of a slowly dwindling ice pack produced by greenhouse warming. What about in Antarctica? It shows both warming and cooling but depends on season. So, it’s impossible if the global warming occurring in our Earth.
IPCC also gave us conclusion that most of human activities can create CO2 and greenhouse gases causing global warming. But do you know that in 14th century there was a little ice age in Europe. The average temperature of this century was 10oC and most of lake and river was covered by ice. What about in 12th century, when the temperature up to 55oC there, this is what scientists say as a medieval warm period. Climate always changes and there is no correlation with human activities. We surely agree that there are more many industries now than what we had in 12th and 14th century. This is totally wrong. This is a fraud and it has to be stopped!
Another thing that you must realize is rising level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases do not correlate with global warming. Seth Young, a doctoral student in Earth sciences at Ohio State, presented his analysis that the Earth had a much higher level of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere during an ice age. This is aint no just a statement. This has been proven between 1940 and 1970; global temperatures went down slightly even though carbon dioxide levels went up.
So, who makes this hoax and what are their motives? I want to say that United Nations, some environmental movements, Kofi Annan, Maurice Strong, Al Gore are organizations and people who must hold responsible for this scenario.
There is a desire on the part of the United Nations and its supporters to promote a system of world government or global governance. Proponents of this theory frequently stress the role of Maurice Strong. Then, what is going on if the world led by one-single governance? We, as an Indonesian, couldn’t stand on our own feet because we must surrender on sovereignty nation. I don’t think we want to do that.
There is also a desire on the part of environmentalists to prevent carbon-based industrial development in Africa. They want Africa to be dependent nations. This is so ashamed because we know that nations in Africa are poor nations so if we let them prevent carbon-based industrial development in Africa, it means that we don’t want to see Africa to be growing nations, we let nations in Africa to import more and more stuffs from other continents.
Have you ever heard about carbon trade? Carbon trade is said to be an effort to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants. How they do this? A developed country like U.S., Japan, Germany and Australia whose industries create more carbon dioxide have to pay incentives to growing country which has forest like Indonesia, Kenya and Brazil. But this is not free incentives, this is debts, countries with forest must pay back to the developed countries. I don't see equality here, this is a fraud.
They, who created scenario of global warming, do not want to see us to be developed.
All my statements here do not support to do such deforestation and other bad things, other activities that damage our Earth but I invite you to manage our forests, waters, mines, coals, oils and gases with a good management. What I want to emphasize is that man-made global warming is not real. It’s a natural cycle and we couldn’t stop what nature wants to be.
Doctor Thomas Gold has said science is like religion. Heresy in it is thought of as a bad thing, whereas it should be just the opposite. But I was not telling you an opposite of what most of people know about global warming, I'm telling you the truth.
Two years ago I believed that there was a global warming causing heat condition to our Earth but it happened before I red some documents and knew what actually global warming is. Now I’m here, standing in front of you, to tell the truth what global warming is? And why we don’t have to be frightened by it! Louis Armstrong has said that there are some people that if they don’t know, you can’t tell ‘em. But I don’t think so, this is a hoax, this is a fraud, the truth must be revealed to all people around the world.
Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) definition, global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C during the last century. The IPCC concludes that anthropogenic greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the twentieth century.
This definition makes no sense because if the temperature increase, the Arctic sea ice will be shrinking but the observed variability of Arctic sea ice thickness shows that the ice sea mass can change by up to 16% within one year. This is contrast with the concept of a slowly dwindling ice pack produced by greenhouse warming. What about in Antarctica? It shows both warming and cooling but depends on season. So, it’s impossible if the global warming occurring in our Earth.
IPCC also gave us conclusion that most of human activities can create CO2 and greenhouse gases causing global warming. But do you know that in 14th century there was a little ice age in Europe. The average temperature of this century was 10oC and most of lake and river was covered by ice. What about in 12th century, when the temperature up to 55oC there, this is what scientists say as a medieval warm period. Climate always changes and there is no correlation with human activities. We surely agree that there are more many industries now than what we had in 12th and 14th century. This is totally wrong. This is a fraud and it has to be stopped!
Another thing that you must realize is rising level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases do not correlate with global warming. Seth Young, a doctoral student in Earth sciences at Ohio State, presented his analysis that the Earth had a much higher level of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere during an ice age. This is aint no just a statement. This has been proven between 1940 and 1970; global temperatures went down slightly even though carbon dioxide levels went up.
So, who makes this hoax and what are their motives? I want to say that United Nations, some environmental movements, Kofi Annan, Maurice Strong, Al Gore are organizations and people who must hold responsible for this scenario.
There is a desire on the part of the United Nations and its supporters to promote a system of world government or global governance. Proponents of this theory frequently stress the role of Maurice Strong. Then, what is going on if the world led by one-single governance? We, as an Indonesian, couldn’t stand on our own feet because we must surrender on sovereignty nation. I don’t think we want to do that.
There is also a desire on the part of environmentalists to prevent carbon-based industrial development in Africa. They want Africa to be dependent nations. This is so ashamed because we know that nations in Africa are poor nations so if we let them prevent carbon-based industrial development in Africa, it means that we don’t want to see Africa to be growing nations, we let nations in Africa to import more and more stuffs from other continents.
Have you ever heard about carbon trade? Carbon trade is said to be an effort to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants. How they do this? A developed country like U.S., Japan, Germany and Australia whose industries create more carbon dioxide have to pay incentives to growing country which has forest like Indonesia, Kenya and Brazil. But this is not free incentives, this is debts, countries with forest must pay back to the developed countries. I don't see equality here, this is a fraud.
They, who created scenario of global warming, do not want to see us to be developed.
All my statements here do not support to do such deforestation and other bad things, other activities that damage our Earth but I invite you to manage our forests, waters, mines, coals, oils and gases with a good management. What I want to emphasize is that man-made global warming is not real. It’s a natural cycle and we couldn’t stop what nature wants to be.
Doctor Thomas Gold has said science is like religion. Heresy in it is thought of as a bad thing, whereas it should be just the opposite. But I was not telling you an opposite of what most of people know about global warming, I'm telling you the truth.